Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Infants

So you went to the chiropractor during your pregnancy and you never felt better. Even the aches and pains of that third trimester were eased by the adjustments made. Then, the day finally arrives and your little babe makes it way into the world! And you begin to wonder...should my baby get adjusted when I head back to the chiropractor?

There are many benefits to getting a newborn adjusted, even just days after they’re born. When a baby is adjusted, the parasympathetic nervous system is reset and helps soothe some of the most common issues seen in the first few months.

1. Sleep

Oh, sleep! Where for out thou, sleep?

Those days of drifting off when you want to and waking when you think it’s the best time are gone. You’re on a newborn sleep schedule now, which means you’ll be up every few hours feeding, changing, burping and rocking your baby. While some babies fall asleep and stay asleep easily, you might have a little one that doesn’t sleep well. Sleep deprivation can seriously impact the emotional and physical health of the parents, as well as the baby.

When a newborn gets adjusted, the parasympathetic nervous system is reset. Known as the “rest and digest” nervous system, when the chiropractor addresses this system, the baby is able to sleep. By going weekly to get adjusted, the baby will learn what real rest feels like; coupled with healthy sleeping habits at home, your baby will more quickly learn to sleep soundly.

2. Gas

Sometimes, your baby may cry and crumple their face in an unhappy way and you’re not sure what to do to help. Are they hungry, overtired, gassy? Babies tend to have strong reactions to gas as the bubbles cause pain and don’t go away easily on their own. It takes 18 months for a baby’s digestive system to fully mature, so in those first few weeks, they may need help getting that gas out.

Chiropractic adjustments can help get the digestive system moving more easily. More so, the chiropractor can use simple techniques to help push the gas bubbles through the colon and can show you how to do it, too. That way, the next time your little one is fussy and you’re not sure why, you can use the technique to see if released gas bubbles help soothe them.

3. Colic

Colic is when your baby cries for no apparent reason at a certain time during the day. It’s also known as the witching hour, and it can give parents considerable anxiety. Not knowing what to do to help your baby soothe themselves is a struggle many parents face.

Getting weekly adjustments can help reset the parasympathetic nervous system and calm your baby down considerably. During those days when baby is soothed from the adjustment, you both can practice staying soothed by spending time together in a dimly lit space with your hand laid flatly against their back, letting the baby feel you breathe deeply and your heart beat calmly. Your baby will learn to recognize these feelings as triggers for rest and after a few weeks, the colic will ease off.

There are a myriad of other benefits of having an infant adjusted, and as he or she grows, you’ll see them become a happier, healthier baby. If you’re looking for natural aids to helping some of your baby’s challenges, give Dr. Lauren Golden a call today!


How to Maintain the Benefits of Your Adjustment