Taking Care of Your Fertility, Naturally

Many couples choose to not have children and go on and have a very fulfilling life. However for others, the idea of not being parents is devastating. Infertility is a huge problem in our world that not enough people are talking about.

Statistics show that 1 in 8 couples, or 12% of married women, have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), worldwide infertility rates have remained unchanged for 20 years.

According to the Mayo Clinic, typically a third of the time it is a problem with male infertility. Such as sperm production, problems with the delivery of the sperm, overexposure to certain environmental factors or damage to male sex organs.

Another third of cases are caused by issues with the female. These causes can include ovulation disorders, uterine or cervical abnormalities, fallopian tube damage, endometriosis, early menopause, or pelvic adhesions.

SO.. how can we help infertility NATURALLY.


  • To better understand how chiropractic care may influence fertility, consider how many different bodily systems, mechanisms, muscles, joints, etc. are involved in the reproduction cycle of both men and women. The nerves that run through the spine are ultimately extended to the female reproductive system. When those nerves going to the reproductive system are interfered with, it could result in a hormone imbalance or other conditions leading to infertility. While chiropractic care is not the cure for infertility, a properly functioning reproductive system is rarely infertile.


  • If you aren’t taking a multivitamin, you need to. You may be less likely to experience ovulatory infertility. In fact, an estimated 20 percent of ovulatory infertility may be avoided if women consume 3 or more multivitamins per week. Micronutrients found in vitamins have essential roles in fertility. We need more than our healthy foods to get the nutrients that we need. Finding a vitamin with folate may be especially beneficial. Interested in learning more, chat with Dr. Lauren about the different supplements/vitamins she recommends when trying to conceive.


  • Exercise has many benefits for your health, including increased fertility. Movement not only helps your physical body, but it helps mentally as well. Try to move your body 30 minutes 3-4x a week and see how that impacts not only your fertility, but your life.


  • If you’re trying to conceive, stress is probably in your life. As your stress levels increase, your chances of getting pregnant decreases. This is likely due to the hormonal changes that occur when you feel stressed. It is important to find good stress management tools that can help you manage your stress.

Good nutrition, a healthy nervous system, and regular movement is vital for a healthy body and reproductive system to help you become pregnant. If you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s important that you begin making healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices today. But don’t let stress get you down! YOU GOT THIS!

If you are interested in learning more about each topic stated above, plus tons of more information, Dr. Lauren is launching her 90 Day Preconception Program January 1st, 2021. There are only 4 spots available! Schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Lauren to see if you are a good fit.



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