Benefits of Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Adjustments

At Golden Family Chiropractic, we believe in a whole-body approach to care. When you’re experiencing pain, the symptom is usually an indicator of a deeper issue happening within your body and should be addressed from a whole-body perspective. 

Massage therapy, when coupled with chiropractic care, can help your body heal on a deeper level. Massage therapy helps release muscle tension and increase blood flow, while chiropractic care addresses structural misalignments. The two approaches complement one another, as they can each address the same pain from different angles and give your body a greater chance of healing quickly. 

But what are the other benefits of getting a massage before your adjustment? 

  1. Improved chiropractic adjustment: When massage is done before your adjustment, it can ease your muscles and pain, allowing for an easier and more thorough adjustment. You may experience less involuntary resistance when you get a massage before your adjustment, which allows you to get the full benefit of your chiropractic care and feel the effects for longer. 

  2. Addresses the Nervous System simultaneously: Chiropractic care is all about stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. This system is often called the “rest and digest” nervous system, as it signals our body to relax and helps stimulate our digestive system. Massage therapy also addresses the parasympathetic nervous system, as the deep pressure addresses our nerves and stimulates the system. If you get a massage before your adjustment, you are getting back-to-back attention to the PNS, which will increase the benefits of the system stimulation (lower blood pressure, regulated heart rate, lower stress levels.)

  3. Strengthens the Immune System: Chiropractic care helps improve your immune system by addressing subluxations (the compression of nerve pathways). Subluxations can be a major component of immune deficiencies. Getting weekly adjustments can improve your immune system’s capabilities by correcting subluxations. Massage therapy also addresses the immune system by helping increase its cytotoxic capacity (the cells that can kill other cells) and helps you increase your defense against viral infections. When you get a massage and then an adjustment, your immune system is being boosted in two ways, increasing its capability to fight off infection and keep you healthy. 

If you are interested in booking a massage to go along with your adjustment, click here! Help your body stay at it’s optimum levels by taking natural steps towards whole-body wellness.


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